Grow Your Business with a Personal Virtual Assistant
Have you ever calculated how much time you spend on the administrative side of your small business, startup, or brand? The hiring, social media, keeping the books, all the minutiae of running a brand or business, it can all add up to a lot more than you were expecting when you started out. All the small, but very necessary, tasks can add up to a lot of time taken out of your work week. That lost time can cost you money, burn you out, and prevent you from making the smart decisions that can help grow your brand or business.
Social Media
Every business and every brand needs a social media presence. It’s just a fact of today’s world that you absolutely have to have a social media presence if you want your brand or business to get found. Not only that, but, depending on your business you may have to have a presence on multiple social media platforms. And, it’s not enough to simply have a social media presence. In order to stay relevant and appear in the “feeds” of the various social media forums, you have to have meaningful, engaging content. And, frequently, that content has to be customized to the social media channel or channels your business is on.
Creating, curating, and sharing that content can eat up your time. That’s especially the case if your skill set favors other parts of your business rather than social media. If you’re not spending at least two to three hours a week managing your social media tasks, you’re probably not doing nearly enough to keep top of mind with your consumers or patrons. If you’re spending more than four or five hours a week managing your social media, your pages are probably dazzling but that comes with costs across the rest of your business.
If you find yourself in this boat, you do have options to get out of admin land. Hiring a social media manager is one. You could also contract with a social media management company. SML, unsurprisingly, suggests checking out a virtual assistant first. This is, of course, a shameless plug for our services, but it’s not just a shameless plug. A virtual assistant can give your business a social media presence catered to your needs on a modest budget and without all the hassle of onboarding a new permanent hire.
Human Resources
Sometimes you do need to onboard new talent for your business or brand. Let’s say you did decide you wanted a permanent social media manager or someone to fill any of the thousands of other roles you might need filled. SML has your back here, too. Our virtual assistants offer human resources services that can help you hire, onboard, and train the best talent for your business.
In the HR realm, SML offers everything from job posting assistance to performance reviews. You can see all our services here. We can help you get out of the human resources admin land Our virtual assistants can get your human resources up to speed without slowing you down, letting you focus on improving your brand or business.
The financial bottom line of your business or brand is absolutely the most critical part of the whole enterprise. As such, it can be easy to get caught up in agonizing over the minutiae of “the numbers”. Some weeks you might be elated to find that you’re up a little, some you might spend hours ruminating on why you’re down. And, all this while you know full well that the healthiest thing for your enterprise is for you to focus on your business or brand.
Yes, there absolutely has to be somebody watching the numbers, but there also has to be someone steering the ship. If you’re stuck in admin land, you’re not putting as much of yourself into making the big decisions as you could be. If you find yourself splitting too much attention off, again, check out a virtual assistant. Bookkeeping is a specialized skill, but many virtual assistants (including SML) offer Quickbooks services which can take the pressure off you as the principal stakeholder.
Overall, running a brand or business is a stressful, time-consuming, hopefully rewarding endeavor. Virtual assistants can help make it less stressful, less time-consuming, and hopefully more rewarding by getting you out of admin land. They can take the pressure off your social media feeds, human resources tasks, and essential bookkeeping–just to name a few things–and get you back to growing your brand or business.
